Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Confessions

1. I have completed basically NOTHING I had planned to do this week..
no photo-a-day..
no working out..
other stuff..
I have no idea where the week went, just sort of floated away from me.
Strike two on that resolution two..

2. My computer keeps dropping connection again..
this always seems to happen on Fridays.
It's very aggravating and has me silently cursing it..
maybe not so silently.

3. I understand it's winter but..
it's frickin' cold here!
I don't like it..
I don't like it one itty bitty bit..
so knock it off, Mr Weatherperson.

4. Because of the crappy, wet weather..
walking through my backyard is like walking through a minefield..
of dog poo.
Gotta do something about that this weekend.

5. I've been on this Paleo eating plan for about three-ish weeks now and I feel really good.
No cravings for sweets..
no Diet Pepsi yearnings..
not even any In~n~Out withdrawals
Problem is..
now my undergarments are a tad too big..
just enough to make moving uncomfortable.
If I sit very still..
barely breathing..
I'm okay.
Fingers crossed I'll continue with this weight loss so no shopping until February.

6. This morning I put money away for my Color Run registration.
Last year I kept putting it off until.. I pretty much forgot all about it.
But, not this year..
I'm doing this!!
(photo from Color Run site)

7. Need some Avon?
Pop over to my site and browse a bit.
Some super cute stuff and specials right now..
free shipping on any $10 order (code SNOWY).
CLICK ME ~~>> Haley's Meme Sells Avon

8. I miss you.
Visit my daughter's blog

9. I found this cute blog off this other cute blog..
or vice versa..
I'm going to do her My Life in 10 Photos
even thought it's not Tuesday..
I'm doing it anyway..
on Friday..
cause that's just the type of rebel I am!!

Have a super duper weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh the colour run! A friend of mine did it last year and she says it ranks in the top 10 most fun things in her entire life.

    Awwwww thanks for calling my blog cute!
