Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday's Letters

Friday's Letters

Dear Rain...
okay, fine..I give up.
I'm just going to give in & enjoy you..
it's not as if you're giving me any other choice.

Dear Sleep..
I just can't seem to get enough of you.
Today, after lunch..just you & me, Baby.

Dear Bun-Heads & The New Normal..
you have so much in common, you 2 could easily be besties.
Same quick-witted repartee, same pop culture references, same 'favs-from-a-different-show' appearances..
(hellllllllllllo John Stamos!).
I love you.

Dear Amazing Cookies My Son Baked Last Night..
How are you already gone?
Damn it!

Dear Trip-I-Am-Planning..

Dear Camera..
I've been neglecting you..
I have left you all alone, sitting on my desk..
staring at me with that big eye of yours..
begging me to pay a little attention to you..
I apologize..
Me & you..
this weekend..
it'll be like old times.

Dear Daughter..
You are so amazing!!
I am so awed by you..
you make me wanna be a better woman.
I love you.

Dear Haley..
I hope you always know how loved, adored & cherished you are.
I love you.

(Texas ~ July 2012)

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